The Infection IN-1 is no longer in production.
The Audible Disease Infection IN-1 is a deranged dual oscillator digital
noise synthesizer that is controlled by a tiny finger operated joystick.
Each of the two oscillators produces a fizzy saw tooth wave. The X-axis
of the joystick controls the frequency of the first oscillator and the Y-axis
controls the frequency of the other. This demented device can generate sounds
all the way from relentless screeching highs down to severe rumbling lows.
Extreme cacophony ensues when the two oscillators are slightly out of phase
with each other. The intensity knob controls the vigor and color of the
final sound. Plug in the Infection and give birth to audio torment.
The Infection IN-1 has been discontinued to make room for the Infection IN-2.
MSRP: $249.00 (USD)