Apocalyptic Rebound Machine ARM-1

The Audible Diease Apocalyptic Rebound Machine ARM-1 is a feedback looper and vicious high-gain distortion unit that pushes your sound into the realm of complete insanity.
With a twist of the HISS knob, you can blend pure white noise with your input signal for extra psychotic enjoyment.
If that isn't enough craziness for you, this monster also has the ability to decimate the sound even further with the SHRIEK knob.
By tweaking this knob, your sound will start to cough, spit and sputter on the verge of auditory death. The
GROWL knob rips up the sound even more by oscillating the signal.
When a low-level signal is fed into the ARM-1,
the thing can self-produce bubbling regurgitations on its own -- plus you can blend in the white noise to make a crazed white noise generator.
MSRP: $273.00 (USD)